Student Employment
Student Employment
Welcome to the Student Employment Page! Student employment at UCCS is accessed through the Student Employment Assistance Network or S.E.A.N. and the Student Employment office. Did you know? UCCS employs approximately 1800 students in part-time student employee positions. See recently posted jobs here and explore the qualifications to be sure it is the right fit for you.
The student employment office lists employment opportunities including the following job types:
- Need-Based Work Study
- Non-Need-Based Work Study
- On-Campus Student Hourly Employment
- Off-Campus Student Hourly
You will find positions ranging from UCCS staffing, teaching assistants, researchers with faculty and more.
Information for Student Employment Office:
Location: Cragmor Hall Room 104
University of Colorado Colorado Springs | Student Employment
1420 Austin Bluffs Parkway Colorado Springs, CO 80918
Office Hours
Monday-Friday: 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Phone: (719) 255-3454 or (800) 990-UCCS
Fax: (719) 255-3650
E-Mail: stuemp@uccs.edu
Need help with a resume or cover letter before applying? Make an appointment with the Career and Innovation Center.