Colorado Springs
Working in Colorado Springs
Colorado Springs is a thriving city with many opportunities for employment across industries.
The city and local economy have continued to grow. The local unemployment rate was down to 3.4% as of February 2023, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
According to the Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce, Young professionals are a large component of the Colorado Springs workforce. The median age of residents is 34. An increasing number of millennials are choosing Colorado’s second city as a place for opportunity, according to the Brookings Institution.
A 2020 LinkedIn survey found the Colorado Springs workforce to have the highest confidence in job security, personal finances, and career outlook. Additionally, about 38% of the population earned at least a bachelor’s degree, while training centers, universities and five National Security Agency-certified institutions develop innovators primed for ingenuity. Manufacturing to med-tech, the workforce in Colorado Springs delivers the diversity and depth employers depend on.
Colorado Springs is among the most educated cities in the U.S. More than 38% of the population has earned a bachelor’s degree or greater degree – 6% more than the national average.
You are in the RIGHT place for your education and for seeking gainful employment. Check out local job postings below and apply through Handshake!
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